Ultimate Guide to Patching and Installing ReVanced Extended

Most users find it complicated to patch and install ReVanced Extended, and rightfully so. It is overwhelming for inexperienced users to patch the mod app or get it right the first time. Fret not, this comprehensive, step-by-step guide will help you with the installation and patching of the ReVanced Extended Apk. Once you know the drill, it would be a cakewalk to patch Vanced and ReVanced products.

There are a few requirements you have to meet before you begin to install the YouTube ReVanced. It may look complex, however, in reality, a user just has to follow a few easy steps to patch their favorite functions. Without further adieu let’s learn about the process of installing and patching ReVanced Extended

Download Requirements for ReVanced Extended

In this guide, a user will learn about installing YT ReVanced Extended via the ReVanced Manager. Some novices are not aware of this additional app and how to use it. Worry not, you will learn about the process later in the post. First of all, make sure your device meets the following criteria for installation.

  • The device must support Android 8.0 or later versions.
  • The Android device must not be granted root permission.
  • It is required for the device to use arm-64-v8a architecture. If it does not support the aforesaid architecture, patch the YT mod on a compatible device and export the patched Apk to the incompatible device for installation.

Tips For the Experienced ReVanced Manager Users

Experienced ReVanced Manager users already understand how the aforementioned application works and why it is important to install YT ReVanced Extended through it. Stating for clarity, it is a separate application for the installation and upgradation of ReVanced products.

If you are already a ReVanced Manager user, here are some things for you to know before patching YouTube ReVanced Extended

  • Use the Right Version – Well, the right version to patch YT ReVanced effortlessly is ReVanced Manager 1.2.0. If you are using the latest or an older version, downgrade or upgrade to the 1.2.0 version. For that purpose, uninstall the existing version and install the aforesaid version. Before installing, do not forget to export the Keystore. After installation, go to the settings tab in the ReVanced Manager app to import the Keystore.
  • Change Sources – Go to the settings section, click on Sources, swap the Patches organizations and Integration organizations to inotia00, and hit ‘OK’.
  • Change Back Sources For Official Patches – If you want to change back the sources to previous settings at some point later, it is easy to change back the sources to get regular ReVanced patches. Go to the Sources menu in the settings tab to switch Patches organization and Integration organization to Revanced and tap OK. Alternatively, some ReVanced Manager versions allow users to change settings by clicking on the reset button.

Installing and Patching ReVanced Extended via ReVanced Manager

If the device meets the installation requirements, proceed to download and install the Vanced MicroG and ReVanced Manager. Remember to download the 1.2.0 version of ReVanced Manager. Uninstall any pre-existing app to install a compatible version. Follow the process mentioned above for installing ReVanced Manager 1.2.0.

Go to the Settings Tab in ReVanced Manager

Here, the user will tweak some settings to get the app ready for ReVanced Extended patches. Make sure that the app is set to “Arch:arm64-v84” or “x86”. If not, you may have to patch YT ReVanced using another device. Now, head to the Sources option in the settings tab and change it to inotia00.

Download the YouTube Apk

Do not just download any YouTube version you can find. Instead, follow the recommendations of the ReVanced Manager to download the compatible version. First off, reboot the ReVanced Manager app, then click on Patcher and Select an application. Here, it will show the compatible version of the YT Apk in the YouTube box.

The suggested versions for YT keep changing and are different for ReVanced Extended and YouTube ReVanced. Once you have found the right version, install it and proceed to patch it.


Here comes the fun part, now you have to just select the patches for the features you want in the YT mod. Now, go to the Patcher option in the ReVanced Manager, click on Select an Application, hit Storage, and tap on the suggested YT Apk version you just downloaded.

Next up, click on the Select Patches option, it is advised to use the default patches selection. Access is given to the default patches selection after clicking the default button. It is strongly recommended by the developer to add MicroG support and Protobuf spoof patch.

Include all the patches for the features you wish to have in the ReVanced product. Before pressing Done and Patch, go through all the patches to make sure no desired features are excluded. Also, it is advised to hit Export Apk to save the file to use later in case of any error.



After selecting all patches, finish the installation process by clicking on the install button. Since you are downloading from external sources, there may be a warning notification. Ignore it and tap on the Install Anyway option.

Set Up the ReVanced Extended App

  • Hide/Unhide Features – One of the features of ReVanced Extended is to enable or disable certain features and app components. To unhide or remove certain functions, go to the ReVanced Extended app, click on the profile picture, and head to settings to change any of the options.
  • Open Links in ReVanced Extended app – There are two ways to open links in the YT ReVanced app, either uninstall the official YT or change settings. For the second option, go to the settings of the official app, select Open by Default, and turn off the open supported links. Now go to the YT ReVanced Extended and turn on the open supported links option. Then, go back to the settings tab, hit supported web addresses, and select them all.
  • Downloader Setup – To download the videos from the ReVanced Extended app, there has to be Overlay Buttons Patch included. If this patch is included, the rest of the process is simple, go to settings, select ReVanced Extended, tap Overlay Buttons, and turn on the Show download button. Additionally, it needs a third-party downloader to download the video, for instance, Power Tube, NewPipe, or Seal. Go to the Overlay buttons in the settings and select the downloader you plan to use and hit install. Once installed, go to the overlay buttons, select the recently installed downloader, and click save.

Updating ReVanced Extended

Unfortunately, there is no easy and quick way to update ReVanced products installed on your device as of yet. The process of updating ReVanced Extended includes replacing the old Apk file with a new one. Normally, there is no need to uninstall old YT ReVanced Extended unless there is some error or the old app does not have the same keystore file.

Even if you have to uninstall the old version, there is an option to export settings from the outdated app and import it to the new one.

  • Exporting Settings from Old App – Go to the old app, click on the profile picture, select settings, hit ReVanced Extended, choose miscellaneous, press Import/Export settings, and hit save after selecting Export settings. Similarly, export SponsorBlock settings by going to the SponsorBlock option within settings, clicking Import/Export settings, and choosing Export settings.
  • Importing Settings into the New App – After the new app is installed, go to the miscellaneous section in the Import/Export settings, click import, and select the file recently exported from the old app. Now, go to the Import/Export section in the SponsorBlock section and delete the existing text and paste the one copied from the old app.

That’s about it, hopefully, you have understood the process of installing, patching, and updating ReVanced Extended.

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2 thoughts on “Ultimate Guide to Patching and Installing ReVanced Extended”

  1. Hello,
    Super travail, merci pour tout.
    Serait-il possible dans un prochain développement/mise à jour d’inclure une fonction “cast” aux vidéos ?


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